Those Tele Guys

S2E13 - Memories of Telemark Skiing

Those Tele Guys Season 2 Episode 13

These are dark days for resort skiing in Australia. New South Wales and Victoria are both in lockdown and all ski resorts are closed. Events have been cancelled, lifties are getting the boot and Vail are extremely busy processing refunds for season passes that were little used. Will restrictions ease enough to allow resort skiing to return for harvesting September corn? Unfortunately, nobody knows what the future holds, but with cases continuing to pop up all over the countryside, it is looking increasingly harder to see restrictions being lifted. Thinking about the future is somewhat unnerving at the moment, so in this episode, Those Tele Guys contemplate the good times had in the past to get us through these rough times. We take a stroll down memory lane and have a laugh about some of our finer moments shared on telemark skis. Thinking about these memories sure made us smile, and hopefully, they provide a few laughs for those listening too.