Those Tele Guys

S2E17 - How to be a dirtbag and save money for the 2022 season

Those Tele Guys Season 2 Episode 17

The 2021 season is wrapping up down here in Australia, so it is time to look ahead and use the power of hindsight to plan for the 2022 season. We hope for a season that is not hindered by Covid-19 for all Australians, and if all goes to plan with the government's vaccination roll-out, then we should have a season that is somewhat more 'normal' than what we have experienced over the last two years. We have compiled a few tips on how to be a dirtbag if we do get back to normal as many have suffered financially throughout the pandemic, highlighting the importance of making every dollar stretch as far as it can go. In this episode, we share some tips on how to save money on transport, accommodation, food, equipment, ski passes and entertainment. Please enjoy as we explain how to eloquently turn yourself into a skiing dirtbag.